Flooring for Your Elderly : Understand To prevent Falls

There are a number of reasons the elderly need special flooring. Firstly, seniors tend to stumble and fall, so they require floors that are less slippery to prevent this. Additionally, flooring that is easy to clean is essential for a healthy hygienic environment at home. The elderly can also suffer from low back pain, knee problems, and hip issues, and can benefit from flooring that reduces the impact on their skeletal system. Flooring to help prevent falls Senior citizens can suffer from loss of balance and depth perception as well as weak knees, hips, and backs that can often contribute to very serious falls. Senior citizens are also often vulnerable to strokes and other sudden attacks that can lead to serious falls. People who fall and suffer hip and back injuries are at high risk of dying due to complications resulting from the injury. In some cases, the person never fully recovers from the injury and is likely to die years later as a result of complications from the injury. ...